International courier service in Kathmandu

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International courier service in Kathmandu

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If you are wondering for a reliable, and fast solution for posting overseas, Namaste Cargo Nepal Pvt. Ltd is the quickest way to send documents and parcels worldwide. It is a leading international courier services provider company in Nepal and a renowned logistics partner in air freight forwarding services. Namaste Cargo Nepal Pvt. Ltd is blended with the special knowledge of local markets with intensive and individual customer care with international strength and worldwide know-how. Namaste Cargo Nepal Pvt. Ltd. is specialized in authentic ocean transportation service provider and handling all aspects of export as well as import through courier services worldwide. These companies connect most of the country worldwide with a dense network of links. It is one of the best courier solutions as well as associated with services covering a wide range to meet the requirements of our valued customers. 
Namaste Cargo Nepal Pvt. Ltd. has provided dedicated services to its customers in the world and to its own country as well. Since its establishment, it has grown steadily to be one of the leaders in global courier forwarding services. We offer a full array of international courier-related services including express documents and air freight to sea freight, parcel to door to door cargo, warehousing to complete packing, and complete international transportation services with economical prices. 
Namaste Cargo Nepal Pvt. Ltd. has experienced professionals’ staff who are trained to guide customers through the complexities of global courier services. We also offer a single solution to and from any point international keeping our customers informed of their courier’s status at every step. We also provide to our customers complete, professional international courier services in Kathmandu with we can-do attitude. All of all staff are dedicated, sincere, accountable, and responsible in their respective field and can use the latest information technology and computer systems to manage all courier services

The primary goal of International Courier Services in Kathmandu!  

Our primary motto is to serve the highest satisfaction and promptness services to our valued customers. Reliability, accuracy, honesty, close communication, and commitment are our primary assets. Since its establishment, we provide you various services including express documents and parcel-to-door-to-door cargo, air freight to sea freight, warehousing to complete packing, and complete international transportation services with reasonable prices. It is specialized with authentic express courier companies including DHL, FEDEX, SKYNET, ARAMEX, and associated with other reliable companies. As per the customer’s requirements and business category, Namaste Cargo Nepal Pvt. Ltd. offers you the best international courier options. 

The cost of international courier services in Kathmandu

The cost of international courier services in Kathmandu depends on various factors such as; the volumetric weight of the product that you are ordering, the delivery destination, and insurance, price includes vat at 23% where appropriate and fuel surcharge. Although it depends on the destination, it takes one to three or a maximum of five business days for delivery after confirmation throughout the world. We always try to express parcel and package services with the fastest international courier services that meet your needs. 

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