Domestic cargo and freight service in Nepal

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Domestic cargo and freight service in Nepal

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Domestic cargo and freight service in Nepal, the effective way to convey the products to their customer at a required time. This pace can be done inside the country with the available means of transportations. Such as air and roads. Cargo and freight service is done to provide easy and convenient to send and receive packages across the destinations. Domestic services become the solution for the one who is seeking for transferring their products inside the country.

Nepal is a landlocked country. There are different means of transportation like road, air, rail, and water. Being landlocked Nepal's major transportation is based on road transport and others being minimal. Various organizations have been established in Nepal for providing cargo and freight service among them “Namaste Cargo Nepal” is the pioneer in Nepal providing such service.
The company’s path has started locally to globally which is now one of Nepal’s leading global logistics service providers.

The company being the pioneer has started from the road means, have now been upgraded to every means of transportation. Being a landlocked country, Nepal's cargo and freight services are expensive. Thus to cope with the challenge for expensive costs, Namaste Cargo Nepal has started the E-Transportation based on E-Commerce following Go Digital Way, which leads to the fastest means with cheaper transportation.  
People have become so workaholics and they did not have much time to go outside of their place. They exuberate towards online trends and can shop around the world even staying at home. This makes people eye-catchy towards the internet. They can buy or sell products whenever they want. This could become platform-independent for every people.

The term cargo and freight service come under the delivery of heavy services from different places inside of their country by using available means of transportations. For this E-commerce would support delivering their services in a convenient period.
Internationally the cargo and freight services are possible, so, why not we are doing for the domestic purpose?  In addition, cargo and freight service be the proficient means that could sharpen Nepal towards a developed nation. With the rise in the internet, courier service has been a good trend in Nepal. Moreover, cargo and freight also become one. These services have become one of the logistics providers inside the country of Nepal.

Overview: cargo and freight services

Cargo, a term refers to the goods and merchandise dispatch through ships, airplanes, or vehicles. Cargo initially was a shipload, but now it covers all types of freight together that are conveyed by rail, van, truck, or intermodal repository. So the cargo is the freight service or item to be dispatched.
Often the term freight refers to the tendency or flows of goods essence transported by any means of transportation. Domestic freight services include ground shipping also air services. Although, ground shipping is slower. On the other hand, air services are the fastest. The quicker you want it, the more shipping it could cost.

Gone the year, for cargo and freight services inside Nepal, people have to travel far from their place and receive their goods after a long time. So, depending upon today’s global trending online platform, within a single call or single click people receives as sooner as possible to their doorsteps so, this pace is fruitful for everyone and will for the future as well.

Betterment of Namaste Cargo and freight service:

Cargo and freight service is immensely popular in Nepal. And the pioneer name in this field is ‘Namaste Cargo Nepal’ who are serving their customer exhaustively for over years now. We believe that user satisfaction is our great satisfaction. We won’t compromise for shipping goods and can transfer with your trust. Thus if you are seeking domestic freight and cargo services in Nepal while moving to another place. ’Namaste cargo Nepal’ is one of the trusted names.

Our greater importance is to build your trade journey perfectly seamless and hassle-free.  In our venture to care for you beyond freight services by not only just working resistant to satisfy your cargo needs but besides, accompanying your way a genuine cargo and freight service experiences that continue with you for an eternity.

Government Policies and opportunities:

Previously, there are no VCTS (Vehicle and Consignment Tracking System) in Nepal which caused delays in service providing, and now with the government policy of compulsory VCTS system, the tracing of the vehicle along with goods is easier and also delivery being fast and in time. Though the policy is compulsory since 2019 in Nepal, the company has already adopted this policy to provide prompt service for a long.  

Namaste protection for cargo and freight services

The safety of goods is of extreme importance while transporting goods. Consequently, we assure that transport service providers under the ‘Namaste cargo Nepal’s umbrella propound reliability features along with the transport service through the best cargo and freight service provider with fully insured goods and vehicles in Nepal. 
The most important tool our customer deserves is our personalized service, and we deeply appreciate their demand, which is why we always take personal care of every shipment they make through Namaste Cargo Nepal. We provide both, one-time delivery or with the best result for technical and commercial delivery service. At the most reasonable price, we assure you of the best of our services.

Namaste Warehousing: 

Nepal is a landlocked country due to which most of the seasonal goods need to be warehouse for those who don’t have sufficient storage capacity. Thus relating it to Namaste Cargo Nepal has also facilitated the warehousing of goods and services demanding on the nature of the goods with fully secured and insured. Our motto is not only to deliver safely and timely but also to provide safely the goods and services.

Namaste cargo concludes:

Namaste Cargo Nepal being Nepal’s largest global logistics company delivers the fastest, secure, and reliable cargo service in Nepal which can be overlooked from the past. We think goods like ours, deliver with care and warehoused as own pledge. Let’s give a chance to serve and join the hand with us we never frustrate the client. 

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